Partner Spotlight: PlaceIQ

Posted by Lance Blick on May 8, 2024 9:30:00 AM

Retailers know that reaching the right customers and understanding consumer demand are key to their success. And real estate brokers who are trying to fill vacant space with high-quality tenants recognize that they’ll be able to close deals faster if they can provide retailers and other chain businesses detailed site and market information.

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Topics: Data Partner, Site Selection Software, Data Quality, Mobile Location Data, Foot Traffic Data

All SiteSeer Users Now Have Free Mobile Activity Dataset

Posted by Lance Blick on May 31, 2023 5:00:00 AM

Visitor densityAs you've heard before, mobile phone data gives valuable intelligence about the quantity and types of visitors that are frequenting your business and other retail or chain businesses, shopper behaviors and travel patterns, and much more.

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Topics: Data Partner, Mobile Location Data, Foot Traffic Data

Coming Soon: Free Mobile Activity Dataset for All SiteSeer Users

Posted by Lance Blick on Apr 18, 2023 7:00:00 AM

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Topics: Data Partner, ICSC, Mobile Location Data, Foot Traffic Data

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