Step #4 in our Site Selection Checklist for making intelligent site selection decisions is to define your site criteria.
Lance Blick
Recent Posts
Topics: Improving Store Locations, Building New Locations, Retail Site Selection, Site Selection Analysis, Site Selection Criteria
May 28: Weekly U.S. Unemployment Update Amid COVID-19
States have been opening up in the last couple of weeks, which means some people are able to return to work. But are there jobs still there for them, or have them been eliminated entirely? The unemployment numbers this week (and in the weeks to come) might tell part of the story.
Topics: Market Data, Data Partner, Retail Industry, Coronavirus, Site Selection Analysis
It’s been in the making for a while now, but we’re very excited to give you a sneak peek of what is coming with SiteSeer 3.0 in June 2020!
Topics: Site Selection Software, Analyzing Retail Sites, Site Selection Analysis, Commercial Real Estate Analysis Software
May 21: Weekly U.S. Unemployment Update Amid COVID-19
Topics: Market Data, Data Partner, Retail Industry, Coronavirus
Two months into our global shutdown due to the coronavirus pandemic and one thing is pretty clear: there are some businesses that are inherently built to withstand a crisis like this one. One such industry: grocery.
Topics: Smart Retail Growth, Market Research, Capital Planning, Retail Industry, Coronavirus, Grocery
May 13: Weekly U.S. Unemployment Update Amid COVID-19
Thanks to our data partner, Applied Geographic Solutions, we’re offering free unemployment data as a layer in SiteSeer. We’ll be updating the top metropolitan and micropolitan areas in the country every week here on the SiteSeer blog. Want to learn more? Contact us!
Topics: Market Data, Data Partner, Retail Industry, Coronavirus
Weekly U.S. Unemployment Update Amid COVID-19 | Week Ended 4/27/20
Topics: Market Data, Data Study, Data Partner, Retail Industry, Coronavirus
Topics: Market Data, Data Study, Data Partner, Retail Industry, Coronavirus
COVID-19 Correlations & Observations for Retailers, Real Estate Professionals
Our business is helping companies turn data into insights. And we can’t help but wonder: what does the data show when it comes to where coronavirus is most prevalent?
Topics: Smart Retail Growth, Data Study, Retail Site Selection, Data Quality, Coronavirus
How Do You Maintain Momentum if Your Business is Winning Right Now?
Coronavirus has changed the way we live, work, shop and interact—and most of us are wondering how life will ever return to normal.
Topics: Retail Data Analysis, Retail Industry, Retail Site Selection, Site Selection Software, Coronavirus