Planning a night on the couch with friends or family this New Year's Eve? If your plans are staying in and making your favorite snacks (don’t worry…healthy eating starts tomorrow!), you know what goes well with that, don’t you? A great movie.
Danielle Yanskey
Recent Posts
SiteSeer is a powerful analytics platform used by brokers, shopping center developers, retailers, franchise companies, and multi-site chain businesses in many different industries. We’re highlighting how different types of businesses can leverage SiteSeer to make intelligent site selection decisions and gain valuable insights about their operations.
Topics: Model Builder, Demographic Data, Retail Site Selection, Analyzing Retail Sites, Grocery, Commercial Real Estate Analysis Software, Site Screening
What Retailers Should Do While in Wait-and-See Mode
We’re all about transparency at SiteSeer, both in the way our site selection and market intelligence platform works and how we talk with our clients and colleagues. Honesty is our policy.
Recession or Another Strong Year? Thoughts on Economic Forecasts and Making Business Decisions
For all of 2023, economists talked about a looming recession that would hit the U.S. at some point during the year. As the Federal Reserve raised interest rates to curb high inflation, an economic downturn seemed imminent. However, as the year wound down, that recession never came—and to the great surprise of everyone, consumers continued to spend throughout the holiday shopping season.
Sharing Gratitude...and Some Fun
As we wind down the year, we wanted to wish our clients, colleagues, and friends a very safe and happy holiday and a fantastic new year.
What Does the Holiday Shopping Season 2023 Have in Store?
An Inside Look at What Some Retail Experts and Analysts are Predicting
The holidays are just around the corner, which is the most important season of the year for retailers across the country. Amid a confusing, ever-changing market with consumers and businesses holding their breath, many are wondering: how will spending look in 2023 compared to 2022?
Topics: Retail Predictions, Bricks and Mortar Retail, Analyzing Retail Sites, Sales Forecasting
Power Your Location Decisions with Quality Data
Topics: Retail Data Analysis, Data Partner, Site Selection Software, Data Quality
We just got back from ICSC 2023 in Las Vegas! It was a great experience and we really enjoyed seeing everyone there. Here are a few observations and reflections from our SiteSeer team members about the general atmosphere and “vibe” among retailers and real estate professionals:
Topics: ICSC, SiteSeer Professional Services
Why Should Retailers Do Research? Here Are Three Key Reasons
If you’re a retailer or in any sort of chain business, you know well that doing research is critical to the success of your business. By research, we mean research on your customers, competitors, markets, and brick-and-mortar locations where your customers find you.
Topics: Market Research, Site Selection Software, Analyzing Retail Sites, Sales Forecasting, SiteSeer Professional Services
What Market Research Experts Can Learn from Election Polls
If you’ve been following the SiteSeer blog for a while, you might recall a post we wrote this time six years ago. It was not long after the 2016 Presidential election, and Hilary Clinton had just lost to Donald Trump…despite what the polls said leading up to the election.
Topics: Retail Data Analysis, Market Data, Site Selection Software, Data Quality, Site Selection Analysis, Sales Forecasting