There is no question: data and analytics have totally changed retail site selection. Today’s companies use software like SiteSeer Pro to determine where their best customers are located and analyze potential sites that would best attract those customers (and new ones). Choosing a location based on gut feel will no longer cut it. Site selection software has the power to tell retailers and other chain businesses what markets they should prioritize as they consider expansion, what locations will yield them the most success, where the competition is and much more.
Topics: Hotspot Analysis, Market Research, Retail Site Selection, Site Selection Software, Analyzing Retail Sites, Competitive Analysis, Customer Analysis, Client Service, SiteSeer Professional Services
Forecasting for a New Location? Keep These Eight Things in Mind
Topics: Retail Data Analysis, Market Research, Retail Site Selection, Site Selection Software, Analyzing Retail Sites, Data Quality, Site Selection Criteria, Sales Forecasting
This is part 1 of our two-part series. Here's part 2.
Whether you work in retail, commercial real estate or operate any business with a storefront, you are likely familiar with the concept of a trade area.
Topics: Retail Trade Area, Market Research
Two months into our global shutdown due to the coronavirus pandemic and one thing is pretty clear: there are some businesses that are inherently built to withstand a crisis like this one. One such industry: grocery.
Topics: Smart Retail Growth, Market Research, Capital Planning, Retail Industry, Coronavirus, Grocery
How to Study Your Competition During Your Site Selection Process
Step #3 in our Site Selection Checklist for making smart site selection decisions is study your competition.
Too often, we see companies do lots of homework on their customers and trade area and launch right into an expansion plan. Understanding your customer is indeed vital to your success as you grow. But there’s another side of the equation that is extremely important: understanding who you’re going up against.
Topics: Market Research, Retail Industry, Retail Site Selection, Site Selection Software, Restaurant Industry, Restaurant Site Selection, Competitive Analysis
In August, we wrote a blog about how market research has changed over time—and there’s no question that it’s quite a lot. But as the saying goes, “the more things change, the more they stay the same.” Technology and the evolution of the digital era have definitely made their mark on the retail industry—and retail research. But there are many things about retail research that were true 25+ years ago and remain true today. Here are a few of the most notable:
Topics: Retail Data Analysis, Market Research, Retail Industry, Landlord Rep Brokers & Owners Industry, Tenant Rep Brokers & Developers Industry, Data Quality
Growing retail and restaurant chains know that doing high-quality, data-driven research as they expand and open new locations is always worthwhile.
Topics: Market Research, Market Data, Retail Industry, Site Selection Software
Like many industries, the fate of retail was significantly altered when the World Wide Web was launched in 1991. Certainly, the retail industry has evolved for centuries prior…
Topics: Retail Data Analysis, Market Research, Retail Industry, Data Quality
How Can Retailers Maximize Market Share but Minimize Sales Cannibalization?
When you’re a growing retailer, it’s tempting to choose retail locations that are distant from one another to avoid negatively impacting your sister stores in the market. However, this strategy for analyzing retail sites can leave gaps in the market that put you at risk of a competitive entry or worse, leave dollars on the table when you could have had three stores in the market instead of two. The goal, then, is to plan a network that maximizes your market share without overly cannibalizing your own sales.
Topics: Sales Cannibalization, Market Research, Market Data, Retail Industry