If you’re in the business of leasing a shopping center or helping a retail chain find space for their next location, there are a few things you need to know:
Void Analysis: A Secret Weapon for Brokers & Shopping Center Developers
Topics: Recruiting Shopping Center Tenants, Void Analysis, Landlord Rep Brokers & Owners Industry, Tenant Rep Brokers & Developers Industry, Retail Match
Matching Sites to Retailers: Meet SiteSeer’s Retail Match
When you’re in the business of leasing space or developing shopping centers, there’s one issue that probably matters to you more than just about any other: how can you find the best tenants to fill your space?
Topics: Void Analysis, Retail Industry, Landlord Rep Brokers & Owners Industry, Tenant Rep Brokers & Developers Industry, Analyzing Retail Sites, Retail Match
Topics: ICSC, Retail Industry, Landlord Rep Brokers & Owners Industry, Conferences, Tenant Rep Brokers & Developers Industry, Franchise & Services Industry
Topics: ICSC, Retail Industry, Landlord Rep Brokers & Owners Industry, Conferences, Tenant Rep Brokers & Developers Industry, Franchise & Services Industry
When you’re a shopping center developer or owner, your number one goal is to fill that center with the best tenants. Vacancies not only cost you money on their own, but also hurt your ability to attract strong tenants in the future.
Topics: Void Analysis, Retail Industry, Landlord Rep Brokers & Owners Industry, Tenant Rep Brokers & Developers Industry
6 People/Users Who Need Void Analysis to Enhance Their Businesses
Maybe you’ve heard of the importance of running a void analysis when you’re recruiting retailers for your shopping center or trying to identify chain stores that are missing from your community. SiteSeer Professional’s tool, Void Analysis, is very beneficial—and not just for the broker or shopping center developer. Here are six people/users that should be using Void Analysis to grow the smart way:
Topics: Recruiting Shopping Center Tenants, Void Analysis, Retail Industry, Landlord Rep Brokers & Owners Industry, Communities Industry, Tenant Rep Brokers & Developers Industry
Brokers and developers: if you knew that you could close more deals by making an easy change to your methods, would you make that change tomorrow?
Topics: Void Analysis, Landlord Rep Brokers & Owners Industry, Tenant Rep Brokers & Developers Industry
In August, we wrote a blog about how market research has changed over time—and there’s no question that it’s quite a lot. But as the saying goes, “the more things change, the more they stay the same.” Technology and the evolution of the digital era have definitely made their mark on the retail industry—and retail research. But there are many things about retail research that were true 25+ years ago and remain true today. Here are a few of the most notable:
Topics: Retail Data Analysis, Market Research, Retail Industry, Landlord Rep Brokers & Owners Industry, Tenant Rep Brokers & Developers Industry, Data Quality
4 Questions to Ask When Recruiting Tenants to Greenfield Developments
If you’re a broker working with a new-build shopping center or a developer filling your own center, it can seem like an overwhelming job at the outset. Step number one is identifying an anchor tenant that sets the tone for the shopping center and fits the customers that are likely to be attracted to your center.
Topics: Recruiting Shopping Center Tenants, Retail Recruitment, Retail Industry, Landlord Rep Brokers & Owners Industry, Tenant Rep Brokers & Developers Industry
Anyone in retail research knows that there are many factors that contribute to the success or failure of a site. The question, of course, is how do you replicate your winners and avoid opening locations that end up as losers? One of our most valuable tools within SiteSeer can help you do just that: the hotspot analysis tool.
Topics: Hotspot Analysis, Retail Industry, Landlord Rep Brokers & Owners Industry, Tenant Rep Brokers & Developers Industry, Analyzing Retail Sites