We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: brick-and-mortar retail isn’t dying, it’s evolving. Yet, browse the latest articles on retail development and it might not seem so certain. SiteSeer’s team just returned from the International Council of Shopping Centers RECon show in Las Vegas, where attendance was down from years past. It caused us all to wonder: is the market slowing? Are deals still getting done? Is the so-called retail apocalypse actually upon us?
Lance Blick
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Topics: Retail Apocalypse, Bricks and Mortar Retail, ICSC, Retail Industry, Restaurant Industry
Tips for Using Location Profiles to Build Models in SiteSeer
Last month, we rolled out location profiles, which are templates within SiteSeer’s Model Builder tool. These profiles help users through the sometimes-arduous task of building models, whether they have a starting point already or need to cost-effectively build a model from the ground up.
Topics: Model Builder, Location Profiles, Building New Locations, Retail Industry, Tenant Rep Brokers & Developers Industry
Growing retailers look to expand into markets where concentrations of their target consumers live, work or shop. A consumer’s lifestyle and life stage often define their preferences and behavior, and few factors better determine one’s lifestyle than education level. For this study, we wanted understand which markets were seeing an increase in education levels. To measure this, we looked at the change in the percentage of persons over age 25 that had no bachelor’s or master’s degree in 2013 compared to 2018. We also controlled for increases in bachelor’s degrees at the expense of master’s degrees, e.g. markets where the percentage of bachelor’s degrees increased while the percent of master’s degrees decreased.
Topics: Market Data, Data Study, Population Study
In Model Builder, one of the most popular tools within SiteSeer, users can create hotspots to narrow down hundreds or thousands of locations across a market to those that are likely to offer them the highest chance of securing a successful site. If you’re a broker or shopping center owner or developer, hotspots can supplement your own expertise with data that tells you if the retail or restaurant chain you’re working with is a good fit for your center or not.
Topics: Hotspot Analysis, Model Builder, Retail Industry, Retail Site Selection, Restaurant Industry
Anyone in retail research knows that there are many factors that contribute to the success or failure of a site. The question, of course, is how do you replicate your winners and avoid opening locations that end up as losers? One of our most valuable tools within SiteSeer can help you do just that: the hotspot analysis tool.
Topics: Hotspot Analysis, Retail Industry, Landlord Rep Brokers & Owners Industry, Tenant Rep Brokers & Developers Industry, Analyzing Retail Sites
Understanding How Retailers Define Retail Trade Areas
If your town is large enough to have an economic development council, that council is probably tasked with analyzing your market in order to attract businesses and retailers to the community. To do this effectively, one of the very first steps you should take is to define your town’s trade area.
Topics: Smart Retail Growth, Retail Trade Area, Retail Industry, Market Potential
SaaS vs. Desktop: 5 Tips for Choosing the Best Site Selection Software
When a retail or service business chooses to expand their reach through franchising, acquisition or organic growth, a critical question that arises is, “How do we replicate our success?” The answer for most? Adopt a site selection process and use mapping and analysis software that will provide your company’s decision-makers with the facts they need to make educated site decisions.
Topics: Market Data, Retail Industry, Retail Site Selection, Site Selection Software, Analyzing Retail Sites
5 Factors that Impact the Accuracy of a Retail Site Sales Forecast
In the early days of chain retail expansion, developers would choose sites convenient to where their customers live, work, and shop and hope that sales and profitability would follow.
Topics: Retail Data Analysis, Model Builder, Retail Industry, Retail Site Selection, Analyzing Retail Sites
SiteSeer is Headed to the International Franchise Association Convention in Phoenix Feb. 11-13
We’re just a few days away from the IFA 2018 Convention, and we couldn’t be more excited. If you’re coming to IFA next week, be sure to stop by and see us to learn more about SiteSeer!
Topics: ICSC, Conferences, Site Selection Software
If you’ve been reading this blog for any amount of time, you probably know this about the team here at SiteSeer:
Topics: Data Study, Population Study, Demographic Data