Model Builder | Discover SiteSeer’s Most Popular Tool

Posted by Michaele Charles on Apr 27, 2023 8:00:00 AM

At ICSC in May 2023, we’ll be unveiling a new upgrade to the Model Builder tool that we’re very excited about (more on that below). But if you’re still learning about SiteSeer Pro and its many features, allow us to introduce you to Model Builder, one of the most popular features within SiteSeer.

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Topics: Hotspot Analysis, Model Builder, Demographic Data, Retail Site Selection, Analyzing Retail Sites, Site Selection Analysis

Why You Need Well-Rounded Site Selection Research

Posted by Michaele Charles on Feb 13, 2023 10:00:00 AM

These last few years, most of us have grown used to change. We’ve seen ups and downs, and market disruptions upon new market disruptions. In 2023, there’s one thing that is true: it’s a nerve-wracking time for many consumer-facing businesses!

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Topics: Market Research, Retail Site Selection, Data Quality, Market Potential

2022 Retail Category Winners and Losers (Jan-Nov)

Posted by Lance Blick on Dec 9, 2022 11:00:00 AM

As 2022 comes to a close and SiteSeer clients are looking toward and planning for 2023, we wanted to revisit a topic we’ve discussed on the blog in years past: which retail categories grew and shrunk (physical stores/locations) during the year (to date). To refresh your memory, we first analyzed data on store openings and closures for 2020, and then again for 2021 (or more accurately, January-October 2021).

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Topics: Smart Retail Growth, Data Study, Retail Site Selection, Site Selection Criteria, Site Selection Checklist

Single Site Studies for Grocery Store Chains

Posted by Danielle Yanskey on Oct 14, 2022 6:00:00 AM

In the grocery industry, like many retail industries, there’s no room for error when it comes to opening new locations. Before you invest time, energy and financial resources into the opening of a store, you need to analyze that site thoroughly and understand its sales potential.

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Topics: Smart Retail Growth, Retail Site Selection, Grocery, Single Site Studies, Supermarkets

SiteSeer Explorer Now Offers Applied Geographic Solutions (AGS) Data

Posted by Michaele Charles on Sep 29, 2022 5:00:00 AM
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Topics: Retail Data Analysis, Demographic Data, Retail Site Selection, Site Selection Software

Tips for Creating an Expansion Plan in Today’s Market

Posted by Michaele Charles on Sep 27, 2022 6:30:00 AM

Here’s a scenario we’ve seen a lot here at SiteSeer: an entrepreneur starts a business. Maybe it’s a retail business of some kind—a boutique clothing store, an ice cream shop, a bike shop—or maybe it’s a restaurant.

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Topics: Market Research, Market Data, Capital Planning, Retail Industry, Retail Site Selection, Restaurant Site Selection, Site Selection Analysis

Meet SiteSeer at ICSC Western 9/28-9/30 (and Get a FREE Month)

Posted by Lance Blick on Aug 18, 2022 1:50:55 PM

Next month, the SiteSeer team is on the road! We’ll be at ICSC@Western in San Diego at the San Diego Convention Center September 28-30, 2022, and we’d love to meet you!

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Topics: ICSC, Conferences, Retail Site Selection, Site Selection Software

The Hidden (and Obvious) Costs of Losing a Customer

Posted by Lance Blick on Jul 8, 2022 5:00:00 AM

If you’ve read about the importance of customer service, you’ve probably heard that making customers feel valued and heard is good for much more than just your brand—it’s critical to your bottom line. We've talked before about the cost of a bad location. How about the cost of losing a customer? 

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Topics: Retail Site Selection, Customer Analysis, Site Selection Analysis

Site Selection and Omnichannel Retail

Posted by Michaele Charles on Jun 30, 2022 6:00:00 AM

Today’s consumer is used to being able to shop any way they like: from their phone or computer or in person at a brick-and-mortar store. Now, they are even accustomed to buying online and picking up (or buying online and driving up to pick up).

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Topics: Smart Retail Growth, Omnichannel Retail, Retail Site Selection, Site Selection Software, SiteSeer Professional Services

E-Grocery Sales Trends: What’s Next?

Posted by Danielle Yanskey on Jun 24, 2022 2:00:00 PM

As you probably know already, the SiteSeer leadership team brings extensive experience in grocery retail, with several of us having worked in retail research for one of the nation’s large grocery chains for decades. And we continue to work with numerous grocer retailers so we’re always interested in what’s happening in the world of grocery.

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Topics: Omnichannel Retail, Retail Site Selection, Site Selection Software, Grocery, E-Commerce

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