The year 2022 is underway and if you’re an expanding retail chain, restaurant chain, service business, or other multi-site business, you’re probably focused on making sure every new location you open is a successful one.
Topics: Retail Site Selection, Site Selection Software, Site Selection Criteria, Site Selection Checklist
Introducing PlaceIQ to the SiteSeer platform
Maybe you’ve heard the news: SiteSeer has recently partnered with PlaceIQ, a pioneer in the location intelligence space. PlaceIQ’s proprietary visitation data or “foot traffic” helps companies analyze consumer movement to understand competitive trends and behaviors of the shoppers who frequent their locations.
Topics: Data Partner, Retail Site Selection, Site Selection Software, Data Quality, Cell Phone Data, Mobile Location Data
There is no question: data and analytics have totally changed retail site selection. Today’s companies use software like SiteSeer Pro to determine where their best customers are located and analyze potential sites that would best attract those customers (and new ones). Choosing a location based on gut feel will no longer cut it. Site selection software has the power to tell retailers and other chain businesses what markets they should prioritize as they consider expansion, what locations will yield them the most success, where the competition is and much more.
Topics: Hotspot Analysis, Market Research, Retail Site Selection, Site Selection Software, Analyzing Retail Sites, Competitive Analysis, Customer Analysis, Client Service, SiteSeer Professional Services
In today’s competitive market, no matter what kind of business you are, understanding your market is critical to your success. We’ve seen this scenario often: business concepts that did well with one area decides to franchise the concept regionally or nationally to any franchisee that meets their requirements.
Topics: Franchise & Services Industry, Retail Site Selection, Site Selection Software, Site Selection Analysis, ATOM
Forecasting for a New Location? Keep These Eight Things in Mind
Topics: Retail Data Analysis, Market Research, Retail Site Selection, Site Selection Software, Analyzing Retail Sites, Data Quality, Site Selection Criteria, Sales Forecasting
If you’re a restaurant chain or real estate professional representing a chain that is expanding in the United States, you should be using Restaurant Trends. This data provider is one of a kind, offering competitor store-level sales data for over 480 restaurant chains across the United States, which they have tracked since 1984. They track all of the major quick-service, fast casual, and full-service restaurants in every state in the U.S.—that’s more than 184,000 locations.
Topics: Data Partner, Site Selection Software, Restaurant Industry, Data Quality, Restaurant Site Selection
2021 Retail Category Winners and Losers (Jan-Oct 2021)
Back in February 2021, we wanted to take a look at the year 2020 and figure out what retail categories did well (grew) and which ones struggled (shrunk). The year started off as many years do and then when the World Health Organization declared the coronavirus outbreak to be a global pandemic on March 11th, life as we all know it changed forever.
Topics: Smart Retail Growth, Data Study, Retail Site Selection, Site Selection Software
If you’ve ever requested custom analytics from the SiteSeer professional services team, chances are you’ve received something created by Kay, our director of solution development. Kay is tasked with helping clients get the most out of the SiteSeer platform, which sometimes involves market research services or creating surveys—or something else entirely.
Topics: Retail Site Selection, Site Selection Software, cre mapping tools, Site Selection Criteria, Employee Spotlight
SiteSeer is a powerful platform used and trusted by retailers, brokers and developers, and communities who want to make better site decisions. We know what sets our tool apart: it’s easy to use, it’s powerful yet accessible for users who aren’t analysts, and it is data agnostic—so you can use third-party data as well as your own data for better market and site selection analytics.
Topics: Void Analysis, Retail Site Selection, Site Selection Software, Client Service, Testimonials
If you’re an existing SiteSeer user, you’ve likely talked with Lance before, our director of client services. Lance knows SiteSeer software inside and out and has that, “If I can’t get you the answer, I’ll find out who can,” type of attitude that makes him the best kind of client advocate!
Topics: Real Estate Analytics Tool, Site Selection Software, Employee Spotlight