The entire country is watching, waiting and wondering: Are we headed for a recession in 2023?
Michaele Charles
Recent Posts
Retailers That Do Their Research in 2023 Will Remain Resilient
Topics: Market Research, Analyzing Retail Sites, Customer Analysis, Site Selection Analysis
Vacant Space to Fill? Minimize Risk in 2023 with Void Analysis
The 2022 holiday shopping season is well underway, and it seems that despite talk of a looming recession, shoppers are still heading to the malls and shopping centers in droves. Consumer demand seems strong for now, but as we all know, not a lot is certain in today’s economy! The retail landscape could change significantly after the peak holiday shopping season. Retail sales could slow down across many retail sectors, which could mean changes for those of you in the retail real estate business.
Topics: Recruiting Shopping Center Tenants, Real Estate Analytics Tool, Void Analysis, Commercial Real Estate Analysis Software
Save the Date for 2023 SiteSeer User Conferences Webinars
Retailers and commercial real estate brokers and developers, mark your calendar for SiteSeer’s 2023 User Conferences. These webinars will be held quarterly in 2023, bringing together professionals in retail research, site selection, shopping center development, commercial leasing and related areas who use SiteSeer (or are planning to subscribe soon) to learn about best practices in SiteSeer, tips and tricks, feature updates, and more.
Topics: Tips & Tricks, SiteSeer User Conferences
Subscribe for Unlimited Void Analysis Reports!
If you’ve used Void Analysis in the past and found it to be a valuable tool, you’ve probably been tempted by a SiteSeer subscription, which gives you access to unlimited Void Analysis Pro reports (normally $299.99 each).
Topics: Void Analysis
SiteSeer Explorer Now Offers Applied Geographic Solutions (AGS) Data
Topics: Retail Data Analysis, Demographic Data, Retail Site Selection, Site Selection Software
Tips for Creating an Expansion Plan in Today’s Market
Here’s a scenario we’ve seen a lot here at SiteSeer: an entrepreneur starts a business. Maybe it’s a retail business of some kind—a boutique clothing store, an ice cream shop, a bike shop—or maybe it’s a restaurant.
Topics: Market Research, Market Data, Capital Planning, Retail Industry, Retail Site Selection, Restaurant Site Selection, Site Selection Analysis
Addressing Staffing Challenges Using Mobile Activity Data
Ever been to your favorite coffee shop or clothing store during what seems to be a rush and they have one cashier and one frantic employee trying to do everything else?
Topics: Customer Analysis, Cell Phone Data, Mobile Location Data
Franchise planning is an important part of growing a successful franchise. Very few businesses that start out as a single store or location think long term about franchise expansion. It’s easier to take opportunities when they arise. That said, long term, this can leave potential revenue on the table, and when you do start to expand (and franchise), lead to unbalanced territories and unhappy franchisees.
Today’s consumer is used to being able to shop any way they like: from their phone or computer or in person at a brick-and-mortar store. Now, they are even accustomed to buying online and picking up (or buying online and driving up to pick up).
Topics: Smart Retail Growth, Omnichannel Retail, Retail Site Selection, Site Selection Software, SiteSeer Professional Services
If you’ve ever requested custom analytics from the SiteSeer professional services team, chances are you’ve received something created by Kay, our director of solution development. Kay is tasked with helping clients get the most out of the SiteSeer platform, which sometimes involves market research services or creating surveys—or something else entirely.
Topics: Retail Site Selection, Site Selection Software, cre mapping tools, Site Selection Criteria, Employee Spotlight